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0089 – Market Crash

Magical Cardboard is a fickle metagame and an even more fickle market.

We actually had this page planned out a while before certain bannings in a certain format of a certain popular trading card game happened. We just thought now would be a great time to post it as it is quite topical ^_^

Cameo appearance by Cooper. Thanks for the support~

5 thoughts on “0089 – Market Crash

  1. Someone visited the mtg subreddit lately, I guess.

  2. A TCG card is worth what you can find someone to pay for it.

  3. Wouldn’t banning them make them even more valuable once everyone else gets rid of theirs ?

    We bought the kids a lot of those cards when they were little and they were just coming out.
    I think there are some in a box somewhere, I wonder if any of them are worth anything today ?
    And those ‘pog’ things, there should be some of those too.

  4. Chakat Nguyen Brownears

    I never understood why some card should even have any value, more than paper they are printed on. Why are some cards valuable? Why is someone willing pay for it? Are these cards even usefull for something? Some funny game? Or is it only very weird business model how to sell something with imaginary value?

    It never was part of my childhood, so i really don’t understand what is behind it.

  5. This is why I stick to ttrpgs. Never have to worry about rulebooks being phased out or completely replaced altogether…

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