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0061 – The Voice of Reason

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9 thoughts on “0061 – The Voice of Reason

  1. I bet that when they look at the shipping labels, they’re recent…

  2. So, it wasn’t Norman’s momma after all!

  3. Let’s not dampen our enthusiasm so quickly. There could be pirate gold in those boxes,

  4. HA!!!! I was Right! Ferra IS running a mail order business out of that room! 🙂

  5. I still suspect there’s a young man living in there.
    A wall of boxes can act as some pretty decent camouflage.
    Ah well, we will find out more soon enough.

  6. Everyone has a room like that…don’t they ?

    My mother used to say “the definition of untold wealth and abject poverty are the same..a house with an empty closet” no problem here 😉

    1. If only it was just a room…

  7. Perhaps Ferra is running some sort of business and storing packages there… But more likely, grandpa is sending stuff home, and she’s been stashing the parcels there for him.

  8. >>Was it worth the wait?<< Yes! 🙂

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