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0086 – Midnight Munchie Monster

No classic horror trope is complete without gratuitous boobage!

Anyone who has lived in a house with a bunch of roommates will know all about mysterious sounds in the middle of the night~

The shading on this one was a bit different and fun to do. These pages with minimal dialog are great opportunities to really practice with facial expressions and body language as they do the heavy lifting when it comes to communicating the story to the reader.

15 thoughts on “0086 – Midnight Munchie Monster

  1. And yes, foxes have tapetum lucidum.

    1. And in this case, magnified through big ol’ glasses x3

  2. Awfully chipper for someone who just got lit up by a bright light.
    I’d have thrown whatever I was eating at it…well, maybe the fork. 🙂

  3. The artwork in this looks good, same as always. I look at it and don’t even consciously consider that it’s a comic, it just looks ‘right’, the way we’re used to seeing it, and the characters wouldn’t be the same in a different style. (except the chibis) 🙂

    1. Aww thanks~ I’d like to think we’re improving with each page. The whole comic has been one big learning experience ^_^

  4. Fritti Breezedancer

    I have seen those eyes staring back at me from a dark corner of the room SO many times in my life. You get used to it. Eventually >~_^<

    1. Stare back! Assert dominance!

  5. Arctica is by far my absolute favorite x3

  6. I like Arctica in panel five. 🙂

    1. No Arctica here! Just your friendly neighborhood wendigo here for a snack~

  7. I was going to make a joke that no “poking around in the dark after hearing suspicious or creepy noises” is complete without skimpy lingerie but then I see this was addressed in the description!

    But a question remains: What flavor ramen is she eating? Is it spicy? Does she add vegetables, eggs, or other accoutrement to her ramen? Or is the midnight slurper going for speed to satisfy the hunger that strikes in the night as fast as possible?

  8. Nothing like a midnight snack, right? Great job on the art and shading. I bet it was a fun and exciting challenge. Really love the build up. And you’re right, no self-respecting horror trope is complete without boobage. lol. Thanks for the comic!

  9. Waaaait Foxes have fairly decent night vision o3o

  10. I like how the left side of Red’s top gradually gets lower with each frame. 🙂 LOL

  11. Oh no! It’s just like one of those nightmares where it’s super creepy, dark, and the light switches don’t work at the most inopportune times :O

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