It's good to have a diverse and varied hobbies :3
Between the complex details of this page and the heat, it was a bit of a struggle to get this one done but we did it!
Cameos appearances by Vivian from Vision Haze and Rafale. Thanks for supporting us! ^_^
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10 thoughts on “0083 – Different Kinds of Fun”
Fritti Breezedancer
Heckity yeah, I’m with Arctica there, sleeving cards sounds way more fun than hitting the gym. Well, to be honest, just about anything does, actually (unless it’s one of the nudist gyms in my world, but hey =P).
So what kind of shenanigans will be we seeing next? With Silver, it seems anything goes! >^_^<
Here’s to nudist gyms! Your world sounds fun!
Vuk Tempest
Well, if I knew vixens would attend the gym, I’d be a regular there. After all, I do need some excercise.
Vuk Tempest
On a more serious note, I know they’re such opposites that they’re basically representations of two kinds of people who are usually enemies, and we all know who’s the Nerd and who’s the Jock between them. Will they hate each other over it?
Opposites attract? :3
Seeing as neither one of them seems to have workout clothes with them and trying to exercise in your unerwear just doesn’t work, it might well end up being a nude gym
Who knows ? maybe all of the people in this world exercise naked like the Greeks and Romans did ? We see people going in and coming out clothed but I’m pretty sure that’s a vest on the fox leaving, not the backpack I assumed at first glance; and the one on the bike doesn’t seem to have a bag or backpack with her either.
I find this unlikely, but I’m all for gratuitous nudity, so we’ll have to see how it goes!
The gym is just to set a shower scene up for you guys
The Ninjaneer
Gym time! c:
Dont skip leg day
Oh no! Silver will break Artica like that $50 card. RIP.