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0089 – Market Crash

Magical Cardboard is a fickle metagame and an even more fickle market.

We actually had this page planned out a while before certain bannings in a certain format of a certain popular trading card game happened. We just thought now would be a great time to post it as it is quite topical ^_^

Cameo appearance by Cooper. Thanks for the support~

23 thoughts on “0089 – Market Crash

  1. Someone visited the mtg subreddit lately, I guess.

  2. A TCG card is worth what you can find someone to pay for it.

    1. Monetary worth, for sure. Cards also have practical use in game play and even sentimental value as well.

  3. Wouldn’t banning them make them even more valuable once everyone else gets rid of theirs ?

    We bought the kids a lot of those cards when they were little and they were just coming out.
    I think there are some in a box somewhere, I wonder if any of them are worth anything today ?
    And those ‘pog’ things, there should be some of those too.

    1. Banning a card greatly reduces the demand on said card, thus the value is sure to drop.

  4. Chakat Nguyen Brownears

    I never understood why some card should even have any value, more than paper they are printed on. Why are some cards valuable? Why is someone willing pay for it? Are these cards even usefull for something? Some funny game? Or is it only very weird business model how to sell something with imaginary value?

    It never was part of my childhood, so i really don’t understand what is behind it.

    1. These cards are used in a game. Generally speaking, the more impact a card has on said game, the more valuable that card is. They’re also printed in limited quantities, thus less printed cards are also more valuable. Get a card that has great impact on the game and is also very limited in print and you end up with cards that easily go into the hundreds, and sometimes thousands of dollars.

  5. This is why I stick to ttrpgs. Never have to worry about rulebooks being phased out or completely replaced altogether…

    1. RIP D&D Beyond subscribers ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. If only Leon properly hedged his investments. Now there’s an idea: Magical Cardboard options markets! Wait, you say this has been done before… a Mt. Fox? And it turned out… oh my… yes, the only logical conclusion is to burn it all down ^^’

    With a crystal ball like that, have y’all thought about making “VixenLogic predictions?” Pssst, any predictions on next week’s lottery drawing? Last number is fine, or even any one of the first five, I *think* that’s a money making enterprise in the long run :]

  7. God I love that top on Arctica. It looks gorgeous, and it exposes enough that every angle is tantalizing, which still being modest enough that it is believable that a normal person would wear it in publicโ€ฆ

    1. Tube tops were very popular when I was young and it looks like they still are today,
      They can look good on almost anyone, as long as nothing falls out the bottom…
      Then you stop wearing them, if you have any sense ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Being an arctic fox, she she feels warmer in this temperate climate, thus the more exposing outfits. Zerda, on the other hand, tends to bundle up being the desert fox she is ^_^

  8. Everything is a ‘collectible’ to someone, some old baseball cards and comic books are worth a fortune.
    My brother collected hockey cards from Esso in the 60’s and had the whole set, I wonder if they’re valuable now ?
    My mother collected the little ceramic figurines from Red Rose tea, she had over a hundred of them and I have a lot of them now but I could never sell them.
    I don’t really collect things, except maybe links to webcomics ๐Ÿ™‚
    I just never throw anything out, even when I should.

  9. Still shocks me that cards get “banned” Like bish you mae the stuff, balance it properly

    1. Honestly, that’s a legit gripe. These days, the emphasis seems to be on quantity rather than quality and as such, the game balance and experience suffers. But hey, at least they’re selling you more products! /s

  10. You’ve never been in a trailer park in November, have you ?
    Or a High School in the 70’s ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Can’t say that I have to either ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  11. This is what I kept telling people going “oh wow, those are super hard to find” for various collectables.

    “A collectable is only worth what other people will pay for it. Sure, I have this card game which was only printed briefly and at such a low volume compared to Magic… but if nobody’s paying MTG money for it, is it really valuable?”

    (It is to me. the Middle Earth card game was a fun idea.)

    1. Scarcity doesn’t mean much if demand is still low.

  12. Sorry but collector items like trading cards don’t lose their value because they get banned and become unusable to play with it. They are collectors items you don’t play with them, you collect them because they’re rare compare to other cards, one of the most sought after pokemon cards it’s the pikachu illustrator card which it’s completely worthless in the TCG meta but it is still a valuable collector’s item due to it’s history .
    He is more likely to get to get scam due to the fact he alledgelly got “collector’s edition” cards, a label like that it’s usually a marketing label to bait naive people into buying something thinking it will be worth more later.
    That’s why comic books usually always re-launch or reboot with a #1 issue or make a big deal with character deaths because totally if your get your hands in one of those that comics it is guaranty to be a valluable collector’s item later.

    1. For collectors items, sure, but Magical Cardboard is a trading card game, thus the value is intrinsically linked to the usability in said game. Banning them doesn’t make them completely worthless, but they do lose a large chunk of monetary value as the people who want them strictly for their usefulness in the game no longer do, thus greatly reducing demand.

      As for collector/promo editions of cards, they absolutely are a marketing ploy to push more product, but the thing is: it works. People collect things for all sorts of reasons, such as emotional or historical value, but doing so for strict monetary value is going to result in situations like this.

  13. Tube tops and either bell bottoms or cutoff shorts everywhere ๐Ÿ™‚ It was like a uniform.

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