Foxes always up to their tricks...
Trying a new technique with the background using 3D renders. This saves us some time while allowing us to be a bit more detailed. If this works, we will improve upon it for future pages.
Special guest appearances by Darnel and Diamond! Want a chance for your character to appear on a page? More information coming soon~
9 thoughts on “0079 – Playing Games”
The Ninjaneer
Shenanigans are afoot! :O
This will have an interesting turn out. Looking forward to seeing what happens.
Vuk Tempest
She’s a mischevious kiddy little Vixen there I see! I shall see her shenanigans. Poor Red tho. XD
Hopefully she won’t soil her reputation too badly ;3
Iron Ed
I am liking Silver even less.
I get the feeling she lives by the principle “never tell the truth if a lie would be funnier”
Auroral Dusk
Haha had a good laugh at the B story in the background. We all know the someone who gets stuck in a pickle, and the only way they know out is to scoop and table flip
We try to find fun and creative ways to incorporate the cameo appearances~