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0085 – Not Better

Red sure looks different without her glasses as does Zerda with her hair unbraided.

We're back at it! We've also depleted our list of scripted pages so it's time to start coming up with new foxy shenanigans.

11 thoughts on “0085 – Not Better

  1. The customer is always right…except when they aren’t.

    1. Zerda may be a bit too right x3

  2. Zerda is so adorable x3

  3. Good luck. I’m glad everyone’s doing better and back in the saddle.

    Lol. “Here’s my script, but to really know the characters, you’ve got to read their backstories first! It’ll help with poses!” . . . yeah. . .

  4. Zerda putting the storm in brainstorm XD

    1. deepthought


  5. Holy Terra, she’s goddamn GORGEOUS, I love the no glasses look! And Zerda looks very beautiful with her hair unbraided as well

  6. Yep. Doing all of it all over again… torment…

  7. The customer is always right…as long as you want their money 😉
    after that, if they’re always right then they can do the job themselves so it’s done the way they want it.

  8. I’m hardly an evangelist for this newfangled ChatGPT large language model stuff… but I will say that the few times I asked it to summarize the important bits of a wall of text it did a decent job. But… that stack of papers as thick as the US tax code might just be enough to crash the AI 😉

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