It's almost silly how well a gas mask fits a giant anteater's face x3
Page 100! How exciting to finally get here ^_^ It's been a wild trip and we look forward to creating many more pages~
We want to offer our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to everyone who reads our comic. From the long time fans to the new folk just discovering us, we don't take any of you for granted in the slightest. To know that we are worth your time each week to stop by and give us a glance or even leave a comment means so much to us. Your continued support and kind feedback makes this whole thing worth it~ Thank you so much <3
19 thoughts on “0100 – He Was Literally Born to Do This”
Congrats on the hundredth page! I really love this story, it’s a good one.
Thank you so much! It feels like such an accomplishment :3 I hope you continue to enjoy~
Martin L.
Antonio could be wearing a plauge doctor mask.
Auroral Dusk
Yay!!! Huge congrats to your fantastic achievement of adding a new digit to your comic strip numbering :3 Words can’t fully capture my appreciation to you both for the amazing work you all put into Vixen Logic. Weekly vixen shenanigans are definitely a highlight of each Monday for me! Very much looking forward to the next 100 pages chronicling the daily adventures of Arctica, Ferra, Marble, Red, Silver, and Zerda and friends ^^
So, Team Fortress 2’s Pyro has entered the house…
Hopefully we can get a side view of the anteater gasmask… This Quars War players could use the reference.
How exciting to be here on your 100th comic! Congratulations for your work! And thank you very much for sharing it with us! >w<
The Ninjaneer
Not to judge, but wouldn’t Antonio just… you know… eat them?
Congrats on #100!
You gotta cook it before you eat it!
Iron Ed
You did a good job with Antonio’s tail, (Hah! ANTonio :-)) it’s what made me sure that really is an anteater inside the suit. I wasn’t sure -what- Antonio is at first.
And… Triple digits! Woo-HOO! Congratulations, folks! Hopefully I’ll have many more digits of trying to decide on a favorite vixen.
Giant anteaters have a very distinct look and it was fun translating that over to an anthro appearance :3 Part of the fun of furry art!
I hope he’s not on a diet, is that a battery operated parmesan grater he’s carrying ?
100 already ? my how time flies when you’re having fun. Hundreds more, please.
We’re working on it ^_^
He is giving me Kriegsman vibes for some reason
That’s a flamenwerfer!
It’s an ant-imatter dispenser
Iron Ed
Ants and Antis; no dilithium crystals required!
Fritti Breezedancer
Like many others have said before me already; so many congrats on reaching the three digits! Always a big milestone in anything, be it story writing or a comic or anything else! Here’s to many more pages of awesome and funny and partially or fully naked shenanigans of these lovely vulpine ladies! >^_^<