Whoever came up with the idea needed an award…at the time.
Whoever wants to still keep it around today needs a good kicking.
Somebody’s making money off of it or the politicians would have listened to the people long ago.
Well it is a relic from before the electric times.
Gas street lamps were the norm back then. Making Daylight savings time make sense:
Less gas useage for lighting , if commuting has beem shifted back into mosltly daytime amd only very little dusk/dawn burntime needed
Add “acupressure” as another one to Ferra’s litany of talents ^^ Must be nice for both the giver and the recipient for a snoot to provide a third pressure point xD
Electricity was around, dst didn’t become ‘official’ until the 1920’s and electricity was widespread by then, before that people who needed to got up with the sun, and still do.
It was conceived of as a way to lessen the use of electric lights in factories, but with fewer windows in them the need for lighting increased anyway.
During WW2 the gov’t even implemented ‘double daylight savings time’ hence the saying “what time is it ?…ten by G-d’s time, nine by man’s time and eight by the devil/hitler’s time”
The tips of the ears; that’s the Tellington Touch. Pressure points in the eartips that relieve pressure from stress. I learned that during my veterinarian studies. It’s very effective and gives wonderful results from the animal you do it to – mostly.
Another of those points is at the hinge point of the lower jaw, but rubbing those tends to have the effect that whoever you rub there goes slack-jawed. Which can be fun in and of itself, too >~_^<
26 thoughts on “0091 – The Healing Touch”
Whoever came up with the idea needed an award…at the time.
Whoever wants to still keep it around today needs a good kicking.
Somebody’s making money off of it or the politicians would have listened to the people long ago.
What are you even talking about?
NVM, I read the text, oops.
i generally have a reason for saying things, it’s not always a good one, but it’s there
The Ninjaneer
Well it is a relic from before the electric times.
Gas street lamps were the norm back then. Making Daylight savings time make sense:
Less gas useage for lighting , if commuting has beem shifted back into mosltly daytime amd only very little dusk/dawn burntime needed
Tiger Tomcat
I’m not be surprised that Ferra knows some tantric healing tricks
Ferra is a vixen of mystery and many talents~
Auroral Dusk
Add “acupressure” as another one to Ferra’s litany of talents ^^ Must be nice for both the giver and the recipient for a snoot to provide a third pressure point xD
The Ninjaneer
Remember to recalibrate your “fops” sensors regularly.
Filaing to do so may result in suboptimal conditions.
Red’s face in the last pic is absolutely perfect.
FB is a master of expressions and body language :3
Electricity was around, dst didn’t become ‘official’ until the 1920’s and electricity was widespread by then, before that people who needed to got up with the sun, and still do.
It was conceived of as a way to lessen the use of electric lights in factories, but with fewer windows in them the need for lighting increased anyway.
During WW2 the gov’t even implemented ‘double daylight savings time’ hence the saying “what time is it ?…ten by G-d’s time, nine by man’s time and eight by the devil/hitler’s time”
At least she didn’t get a good boob honk from a husband trying to ‘help her feel better’
She ate the headache. Truly a selfless friend. Hats off to Ferra
Iron Ed
I agree; I love the transition of her expression in the last two panels as Red realizes what happened.
This is the wonders of the comic medium. The artwork can communicate in ways words alone cannot ;3
Fritti Breezedancer
The tips of the ears; that’s the Tellington Touch. Pressure points in the eartips that relieve pressure from stress. I learned that during my veterinarian studies. It’s very effective and gives wonderful results from the animal you do it to – mostly.
Another of those points is at the hinge point of the lower jaw, but rubbing those tends to have the effect that whoever you rub there goes slack-jawed. Which can be fun in and of itself, too >~_^<
Iron Ed
Dangit. This was -supposed- to be a “Reply” to Meister Ente! grrr..
The threads never seem to lineup properly, and the answers drop in all over the place…I blame bill gates
Can I get in line? I’ve been suffering from a headache all day.
Iron Ed
Come on over, Twily; I’ll be glad to experiment on… err… try to help!
I don’t get headaches very often and when I do I just get rid of the cause…
I tell them to go down to the tavern or something
Iron Ed
Tavern? Not the root-beer store?

Wouldn’t that be “Eight o’clock by God’s time, nine by man’s time, and ten by Hitler’s time?”
Nope, they come home too fast then.
I need a good nuzzling today If this really works.