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0088 – Getting Pumped Up

Horse Power Gym has seen better days...

Thanks for hanging in with us! We're back at it.

Cameo appearance by Mika from Lancer: the Knights of Fenris

8 thoughts on “0088 – Getting Pumped Up

  1. Why is it in france?

    1. They’re.. not? Unless you are referring to the language. Up at the top of the page is a button to switch between English and French versions of the page.

  2. As ye kin see …


  3. Draft horses always speak with a thick rural English or Scottish accent, it’s the law !!!
    I used to love going to the Exhibition every fall when I was little.
    Baking contests, crafts, rides and I always liked watching the horse pulls.
    I must go next year, if they still have them, tractor pulls just wouldn’t be the same 🙁
    And you keep reminding me of songs, that’s a good thing 🙂

    1. A Clydesdale! … named Clyde :3

  4. After the Extreme Makeover: Gym Edition, will the place be filled with gym rats? … I’ll show myself out.

    PS – first time reader here! Really enjoying the art, the story, and the humor. It’s also really nice of y’all to put effort into having varied content in the filler updates ^^ Just wanted to say keep up the fantastic work!

    1. Nyaw thanks~ It makes us so happy to know people are enjoying our work ^_^

  5. gym bunnies 🙂

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