Page 87.9

0087.9 – Doing a Fantastic Job

Okay, but... how?

And yet this is still not even close to the weirdest job Castor has been called in for.

Still out of town this week! Hopefully things will be wrapping up soon and we can resume our normally scheduled vixen shenanigans.

10 thoughts on “0087.9 – Doing a Fantastic Job

  1. That’s what you get for being the landlady, next time call the professional first and claim it on taxes as an expense, it’ll probably be cheaper in the end when he only has to fix what broke first 🙂

    1. She’s still trying to figure things out~ At least Castor is a decent, understanding guy who can help her.

  2. Love Red’s pose. 🙂

    1. That’s the pose baby animals instinctively make when picked up by the scruff :3

  3. I think he’s scratching his head wondering how that T-shirt stays up in the front when she’s hanging like that 😉

  4. Firefox has encountered an error with Fanmonitor.exe and has caused an application hang.

    Please boop nose to restart

  5. Except beavers. They carry their young in their arms, or they push them along in the water. 🙂

  6. Which is why I like it! 🙂 Works especially well on cats.

  7. Dangit. Was s’posed to be a reply to tootaloo’s reply to my post.

  8. It’s like the student who gets 0% on the test: when something has gone that wrong, they probably know more than they’re letting on xP

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