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[caption id="attachment_1564" align="alignnone" width="1032"] Page 90[/caption]Page 90 French

0090 – Storytime With Goldie

Goldie has a very bouncy... personality~

On the other hand, Mable has a very flat... demeanor?

The library background is still a WIP but I think what we have so far works well enough for this page.

31 thoughts on “0090 – Storytime With Goldie

  1. Goldie tells good stories, and offers good wievs.

    1. Fun for the whole family!

    2. a double feature. In a couple of ways ;3

  2. Goldie is best girl & not just because of the shoulder boulders from the heavens. I just love her enthusiasm & joie de voir

    1. “…enthusiasm & joie de vivre.” FIFY.

    2. “Shoulder boulders” Hah! I’ll have to borrow that one X3

  3. First rule of marketing: know your audience! Doesn’t hurt that babies, particularly hungry babies, seem to gravitate to females with bouncy personalities. Nope, my kids never embarrassed me like that before, you have zero proof! ^^’ In all seriousness, Goldie is doing all the right things as an engaged story-teller to hold the attention of young children :3

    There there Marble, recall that correlation doesn’t imply causation. Why yes the doghouse is nice this time of year, why do you ask?

    Hilarious that all gazes lead to… the goods… The effect is so strong that not only are the two dads and Marble admiring the view, past Goldies in panels 3 and 4 are also partaking, haha. It’s so perfect that I’m wagering y’all did that on purpose 😛

    Looks like a library to me, I can almost feel the industrial carpeting. If you’re looking for feedback: shelves on panel 4 are a bit empty, must be those dern kids piling up books in a corner somewhere.

    BTW, even ignoring the neckline, the dress is really cute on Goldie! :]

    Given the specificity of the subject matter, I’m curious: was this page inspired by real events?

    Sorry for the dump, there’s so many fun things happening on this page, thanks for putting in those details for us 😀

    1. It’s a slice of life comic so all of the pages are inspired by my and FB’s lives to some degree or another :3

      I’ll be adding more detail to the background model when I get the chance. It’s been a stupidly hot week and most of my motivation has just been completely gone x.x

  4. “…enthusiasm & joie de vivre.” FIFY.

  5. I think Goldie’s doing a great job at story telling. I like her personality too, but I still think Marble is much more attractive to look at. 🙂

    1. Marble is the star attraction :3

  6. I think the guys like her.

  7. I do believe that I am seeing a slight change in the art style, a subtle shift in colors and shading…and I have to say that I think it looks fantastic!

    …that or I really need to get to the optometrist… ” 😉

    1. Goldie’s ‘chest tuft’ seems to come and go throughout the page, it looks better with it on, little things like that make a huge difference.

      Loose or lowcut shirts are much more hazardous for smaller chested women, it’s a lot easier to unwittingly, ( or maybe wittingly 😉 )’flash’ through the armholes and neck since there isn’t as much protrusion keeping the cloth ‘tight’ to you.

    2. Hee~ Thanks for noticing :3 It’s only natural for art styles to change over time, hopefully for the better. The nice thing about a webcomic is that it’s basically a record of the evolution of one’s art style as seen in regular intervals.

  8. It is always a pleasure to see a lass that is both attractive and not *centered* upon *knowing* that she is attractive.. but bright nonetheless. (And, of course, a happy attitude adds *much* 8{)} )

  9. Better get her an ‘over the shoulder boulder holder’ to go with them 😉

  10. Goldie is such a wholehearted cutie :3

  11. I’d say her personality is pretty spot-on for a golden retriever. 🙂 Happy, bouncy, “Oh! New friend! I have just met you and I love you!” is pretty much their default setting.

  12. Thanks for treating us all to a full page despite the oppressive heat :]
    This Augtober sucks… it’s the 3rd week of fall and still getting broiled alive. One small comfort I’ve found to help beat the heat are frozen grapes, highly recommend ^^

    1. It’s been in the upper 90s for the past solid week x.x The summer wasn’t so bad but wouldn’t we get the worst heatwave of the year after it’s officially autumn. I swear I was suffering from heat exhaustion the whole time I was working on this comic….

      1. Ouch, that sounds a lot like the heatwave that hit my neck of the woods. Hopefully relief is around the corner for y’all, if nothing else just a few more weeks until Nov ^^
        Please take care of yourselves first and don’t over-exert, life’s a marathon and not a sprint :3


    Also , yey boobs

  14. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Core memory unlocked.

    1. Heee! I was hoping someone would notice ^_^ That was my favorite picture book growing up. The idea of font not just defying lines but climbing a coconut tree is just the best~ I thought I’d pay homage to it by making my own imitation. I even found a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom font for the letters x3

      1. I thought it was Bow Chicka Wow-Wow ?

  15. Even better, make them into ice wine, one of the wineries near here lets one type of grapes stay out until they freeze on the vine before picking them so the sugars concentrate…there’s a reason a tiny bottle is $50, it’s just so good. Luckily, one of my brothers-in-law works there so it only costs us…fifty dollars a bottle 🙁

    1. Ah but the big idea is to be able to snack on a cool treat that tastes like sorbet while it’s hot out :]
      I do like me a good sweet dessert wine. Last time I was in Toronto I bought a box of ice wine chocolates, those were yummy.

  16. Indeed it is! I’ve always enjoyed watching artists, whatever the medium, grow and experiment. It certainly keeps things fresh while expanding knowledge! Well done on you!!!

  17. The guys are only pretending to stare at Goldie. They’re really using peripheral vision to stare at Marble. 😉

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