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0052 – Obsolete Occupation

Based on true events.

10 thoughts on “0052 – Obsolete Occupation

  1. Thanks to all librarians who’ve had to put up with people like that as well as the emotional fatigue and labor. You all rock and are real heroes!

  2. If someone ever says books and libraries are useless due to the internet, you know they have the mental capabilities of a microwave.

  3. Librarians are on the front lines fighting for our freedom to learn and read. They deserve combat pay and medals

    1. Sometimes even dealing with literal actual combat…

  4. Power went out last week, my book still worked.
    We just got a new microwave, I think it’s smarter than the dog.

  5. It’s no mere coincidence that he happens to be a jackass………..

    Librarians are some of the greatest people in this world. Who else could organize literally hundreds of thousands of books, AND be able to tell you where a specific one is at any given time!

    1. Despite the public’s seeming best efforts to throw everything into chaotic disarray at any given opportunity! >:V

  6. This man is truly an ass.

  7. My first forays onto the information super highway were from a library computer! And the only way to bring downloaded materials back home was via floppy disk 😀

    I love my local library and the staff who work there. Can’t take my kids to “the Internet” and have them physically browse the bookshelves and pick things out to bring back home with a gleam of satisfaction in their eyes. Certainly doesn’t hurt that the kids also look forward to getting stickers from the librarians at the front desk ^^

    So fortunate to live in an area where the electorate believes in a well-run public library system and votes accordingly. Any time there’s a revenue measure for libraries on the ballot, it always passes with a super wide margin. Get out and vote like your libraries depend on it!

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