Incidentally, this is why we're not allowed to dispose of damaged books in public view anymore.
The shiba character was inspired by a random pic I found x3
In my experience (in the UK), books that are old and no longer sought out by readers, are retired to a trolley where they can by bought for 20p or so. I’ve bought my share in my time, especially when I was younger and e-books and fics online were not much of a thing.
I know this person…all too well…I hope the book was dripping, soaked with something too nasty to clean and too wet to burn.
The last time someone told me their taxes paid my salary I asked for a raise
When even “I can glue those back in” Marble has judged them irredeemable you know those books are too far gone.
I love how the expressions, the perspective, and the poses do a wonderful job conveying the narrative. Reading this page with the speech bubbles covered up, I can still pretty much get the whole story :3
Such is the joys of working with comics as a medium :3 We get to use expressions, poses and perspectives you don’t don’t commonly see in other forms of illustration.
They don’t like it when I point out that I pay more in taxes than they make
The gov’t is the only employer that gives you a pay raise then takes half of it back in taxes.
I had a job at a library once where I had to dispose of books that were too old, too damaged, or too uninteresting anymore to read. We had to wait until the hallway was empty before taking them away as people had and presumably still do get upset. I felt like a book mortician.
19 thoughts on “0094 – Uncensored”
Colin WG
Local library has a bin of “damaged” books, free for the taking.
It’s rumored to stay full.
In my experience (in the UK), books that are old and no longer sought out by readers, are retired to a trolley where they can by bought for 20p or so. I’ve bought my share in my time, especially when I was younger and e-books and fics online were not much of a thing.
The Ninjaneer
Such Karen
Much peral clutching (yes the necklace)
Very wow
I know this person…all too well…I hope the book was dripping, soaked with something too nasty to clean and too wet to burn.
The last time someone told me their taxes paid my salary I asked for a raise
My favorite reply to the ever popular “I’m a taxpayer!” line is “I pay taxes too, you know.” It usually throws them off enough to make an escape.
Calculus II, 4th edition, 1994.
Auroral Dusk
When even “I can glue those back in” Marble has judged them irredeemable you know those books are too far gone.
I love how the expressions, the perspective, and the poses do a wonderful job conveying the narrative. Reading this page with the speech bubbles covered up, I can still pretty much get the whole story :3
Such is the joys of working with comics as a medium :3 We get to use expressions, poses and perspectives you don’t don’t commonly see in other forms of illustration.
We’ve once cleaned a room in my school back in the day and I found a book that was quite spongey… Mold. Through the whole book, every single page.
When the biology textbook becomes the experiment~
This same person will go on to try to get books banned from this very library (and everywhere else) because they hate it for some arbitrary reason.
Vuk Tempest
Some people just can’t mind their own business it seems. Especially the rich ones.
Entitlement is very real.
They don’t like it when I point out that I pay more in taxes than they make
The gov’t is the only employer that gives you a pay raise then takes half of it back in taxes.
I had a job at a library once where I had to dispose of books that were too old, too damaged, or too uninteresting anymore to read. We had to wait until the hallway was empty before taking them away as people had and presumably still do get upset. I felt like a book mortician.
Marble takes no nonsense
Even though her life is full of nonsense x3
Iron Ed
And you and Foxboy have absolutely -nothing- to do with that, do you?

Innocent foxes~