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0080.5 – 100th post!

Yay! This marks our 100th post! Thank you all so much for reading our comic, leaving comments, sharing with friends and just overall having fun with us! ^_^

This whole thing started off as just a fun little experiment we wanted to try and it turned out to be more successful than we ever could have imagined or hoped for.

It's been an eye opening learning experience in many ways. Not only about drawing it, but everything from the writing process, preplanning, promoting to even web development.

Really, it's all of the feedback, comments and positive energy from all of our readers and fans that make this so worth it. 100 posts in and we have barely even begun! :3

Yay! C'est notre 100e article ! Merci beaucoup à tous d'avoir lu notre bande dessinée, laissé des commentaires, partagé avec des amis et simplement de vous amuser avec nous ! ^_^
Tout cela a commencé comme une petite expérience amusante que nous voulions essayer et cela s'est avéré être plus réussi que nous n'aurions jamais pu l'imaginer ou l'espérer.
Cela a été une expérience d'apprentissage révélatrice à bien des égards. Pas seulement sur le dessin, mais aussi sur tout, du processus d'écriture, de la planification préalable, de la promotion et même du développement Web.
Vraiment, ce sont tous les retours, commentaires et l'énergie positive de tous nos lecteurs et fans qui en valent la peine. 100 messages et nous avons à peine commencé ! :3

16 thoughts on “0080.5 – 100th post!

  1. Hurrah, congratulations 🙂

    1. Thanks so much! And for all the work you put in as well :3

  2. \o3o/ woooo congrats

  3. A most excellent achievement! Congratulations!!!

    1. Thank you! It doesn’t sound like a lot but it feels like a lot :3

  4. Woot! Congratulations and way to go! That’s awesome! Here’s to you all!

    1. Thanks! And we appreciate our readers just as much!

  5. Quite the amusing group, and the thoughts put behind the strips are quite pleasing.

    1. It brings us so much joy to know people are enjoying our silly vixens and our silly ideas ^_^

  6. YAAAAYY!!! Im really excited to see where the comic goes! (ive been here since around the 15th page, but too lazy to make account till now lol)

    1. A long time fan :3 I’m glad we could retain your readership for so long!

  7. Ha! Awesome work you two! Here’s to the next 100!

    1. We’ll do our best to keep up the good work!

  8. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” There; feel like a lot more now? 🙂

    1. Hah it really does! Especially considering it was my actual birthday recently.

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