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0084.9 – Getting Ready For Game Night

It's okay; Arctica enjoys sleeving cards. Just look at how happy she is! It really is quite zen.

Hopefully this will be the last chibi pic for a while. Life just doesn't give you a break sometimes...

11 thoughts on “0084.9 – Getting Ready For Game Night

  1. Just one more booster pack!

    And other convinient lies we tell ourself

    1. Buying singles is a better use of your money. Booster packs are only good for drafting!

      1. Just one more card then xD

  2. Where’s the upvote button.

    1. None here but we do have a Reddit share link~

  3. But what about sleeving the back-up deck?

    1. Sleeve all the cards! You never know when one might just shoot up in price for whatever reason.

  4. Huh. Yep. Just started the comic and burned through it. That’s worth a bookmark, me thinks. Another web comic to toss into the “check every couple of days” folder. =^_^=

    1. I’m glad we are worthy of your bookmark space~

  5. I have it bookmarked in the ‘monday’ section but I look more often, just in case 🙂

    1. hehe~ Unfortunately, the comic is just a once a week update as of right now. However, check out Foxboy’s socials listed under Follow Us if you’d like to see more art. He posts his other works there and more frequently. Do be warned: many are NSFW.

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