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0087.5 – Catching Butterflies

Chibi vix page inspired by an idea from our Discord!

Things got backed up a bit this week but it's always fun to see the vixens up to something silly~

11 thoughts on “0087.5 – Catching Butterflies

  1. The mighty Zerda! Terror of butterflies everywhere!

    Poor Marble. 🙂

    1. Marble should expect nothing less hanging out with these girls x3

  2. Fritti Breezedancer

    Always fun! Wow, and those things they’re using seem handy, I’m usually just prancydancing about and batting forepaws at the flippyflappy butterflies. But hey, that is a bunch of fun too! >^_^<

  3. Butterflies would drink your tears and blood if they could.

    They are metal AF

  4. Remember to watch the kids closely, most butterflies are toxic, especially Monarchs from feeding on milkweed.
    That’s why they’re so brightly coloured, like most other insects it’s to warn predators.
    Poisoning them as revenge doesn’t help much when you’ve already been eaten.

  5. Of course Res is being attacked. I would expect nothing less.

    1. She has the worst luck x3

  6. Ferra is a butterfly magnet. They just can’t seem to resist her.

    1. Sweet as a flower, calm as a breeze~

  7. unrelated to the current page a bit buut, is the rss feed broken?

    1. This RSS feed is going to be the bane of me x.x I think I fixed it? Again? Hopefully?

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