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0089 – Market Crash

Magical Cardboard is a fickle metagame and an even more fickle market.

We actually had this page planned out a while before certain bannings in a certain format of a certain popular trading card game happened. We just thought now would be a great time to post it as it is quite topical ^_^

Cameo appearance by Cooper. Thanks for the support~

3 thoughts on “0089 – Market Crash

  1. Someone visited the mtg subreddit lately, I guess.

  2. A TCG card is worth what you can find someone to pay for it.

  3. Wouldn’t banning them make them even more valuable once everyone else gets rid of theirs ?

    We bought the kids a lot of those cards when they were little and they were just coming out.
    I think there are some in a box somewhere, I wonder if any of them are worth anything today ?
    And those ‘pog’ things, there should be some of those too.

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