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0097 – Naughty Knot

I swear this happens every time! >:V It doesn't matter how careful I am or how slowly I go, those strings just don't come undone gracefully. Not to mention the fact that they're positioned in the most inconvenient way.

Hopefully someone comes along soon to rescue poor Silver v.v

7 thoughts on “0097 – Naughty Knot

  1. That’s why I keep a Husky curved Pick in my bathroom. Specifically to mess with those troublesome knots in my clothes.

  2. Knots suck, all the time. I remember as a kid I had to deal with them too much. Oh well, that’s physics sometimes. Also, is it wrong to have a crush on the vixens?

  3. Someday the paramedics will find me like that

  4. Poor Silver ended up tying herself up in knots for naught! I wonder why they don’t have a velcro option, that would seem to solve this particular problem. And then you’d never have to fish a drawstring through the waistband when the string invariably gets pulled completely through in the wash x3

    1. Oof. Velcro would be uncomfortable against the fur/flesh x.x

  5. Poor Silver. I feel her pain.

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