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0101.7 – Brunch Time Tutor

Aah! It's been a busy week! We barely had enough time to get this one out x.x

College towns always have all the best places to grab some food while working on an assignment. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, coffee shops and quick, cheap eateries with plenty of tables and free wifi~

7 thoughts on “0101.7 – Brunch Time Tutor

  1. Absolutely love the hairband ear holder. 🙂 That should either take care of the problem, or create one heck of a sail!

    1. Trade one problem for another!

      1. i can just imagine her on a skateboard using her ears as sail x3

  2. Croissants, not my favourite and that one Marble’s holding looks moldy…that cake though… 😉

    1. That’s lettuce. It’s a croissant sammich :3

  3. Good thing it looks like the wind has died down, otherwise some of those pastries could go airborne at any moment! x3

  4. I like Zerda’s outfit; snuggly. And I wonder if that laptop is a Banana 5000. 😉

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